Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Lines, Dots, Shapes..

Well.. This lesson's called Rupa Dasar, or.. many people called it Nirmana. In this lesson we learn how to feel something abstract. At first we should make lines, dots, we use a brush and ink. It feels very strange, and hard of course... Using brush is really different from using pencil or pen. We must very carefull, and u need to work slowly.

want to see it clearly? kwkwkw..

It might be looks good from far away, but actually, It's not too good as it seen. hahaha.. XD but I love this work, I got the highest mark in my class =D well.. actually I already done this work before this, in my extracurriculler in Senior Highschool, eventhough that time I didn't make it seriously =p hahaha ^^

Now you can see how it looks? hahaha... using brush is hard.. patient and carefullness is needed so much. oh yeah, and of course, skilled hand. move here, move there, circle move.. ugh.. It's sooo hardd...

well... like my lecturer said : "It's a Process" heahuehauehae...

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